Unfortunately, it's been forever since I've really been satisfied with the website and how things are going with it. Like Silver, when you forget to polish it for a while, it begins to tarnish. I just finished reading a blog about sprucing up a neglected website. It inspired me to use the website as more of a business front even if I don't have a business to offer. Well this got me to thinking that I actually do have a business to offer, my knowledge and ability with cars. First things first. I need to have a page that gives potential customers a better idea of who I am and what I'm all about. They need to know that I actually am an automotive enthusiast and that I am a good guy. Next, I need to revamp the home page to be more focused on showcasing my abilities and services. The way the website has been for the last year or so is about to change once again. Recently, I tried getting more people to visit the site by offering a free $10 gift card to an auto parts store of their choice by simply submitting two photos to me of their car so I could just put it on the website. I got several visits to the website that day but not a single person submitted any photos. I honestly feel like that part of the website can still be successful but something has to change with the way things are being ran or displayed at the current moment. It's simply not working. I am not looking to make money off of this website, I just want to be able to do something that other people get excited about. Even if it's just someone saying, "Well, that's cool!" Hopefully I can come up with some ideas that will help me to make it something I'm a little more proud of and then when I promote it again, there will actually be a response.
As a side not to myself for when I read this in the coming years, today was the day that Woody got transferred from the Indianapolis St. Vincent's Hospital after having his total knee replacement surgery. I hope all is well with him right now and that he is able to have a speedy recovery.
I have always been fortunate to know a little bit about cars and how they work. Most of you that know me know that I can't stand to pay retail for anything that I do. I'm the same way with my cars and the things that I do to them. I can do just about anything I want to to my own cars and I've proven that to myself over the years(some things better than others). So I decided it was time to start helping others. I put an ad on Craigslist in which I offered my services to help others work on their cars to either modify or maintain them. Not only would I help them out by doing the work for 1/3rd of the lowest quoted rate they could find(or $25/hr, whichever was less expensive), but I would also do the work with them right there with me and I would educate them on what I was doing and answer any questions they had along the way. That way, in the future, they would be able to do the work themselves and save even more money in the long run.
Now to be honest, when I put the ad up, I was hoping to find small simple jobs that would take an hour or two at most. Like an oil change, brakes, or putting on an exhaust or intake. I've had several people respond to the ad, so many in fact that I had to take the ad down because I was spending hours on the computer just replying to the emails that I was getting. I plan to help as many people as I can, time permitting. Check out what Mod-Addict has done so far. See Previous Clients Page. So it's been quite a while since there's been much activity on the website, I know, I know. Life gets hectic and people get lazy, it happens. Things are starting to settle down a little bit here in Indy. The move went pretty well and we're starting to feel at "home" here in this apartment. Time flies and the only thing that is consistent in life is change.
Moving on, I am getting back into the mood to work on the website and so I hope to get things going again here soon. Of course, the winter season is quickly approaching so there's going to be very few opportunities to get out and do anything automotive except commute back and forth to work. But I've got an idea to keep things moving on the website. Hear me out. Once winter hits, the nice expensive toys go to rest, but then the old, dirty, rusty, beaters come out to play. Let's see who's got the trashiest beater! Might be fun, but likely to be a flop. The business cards came in today. I anxiously went out in search of Donations for the winner of the monthly contest and found it to be much harder than I had expected it to be. I'm sure I will get better at pitching my cause to the locals, but until then, I decided to go out and buy the Car Care supplies for this month's winner. Hopefully it will keep the traffic rates a little higher throughout the following weeks until the end of the month. I hope that everyone is able to realize that I am not here to make money from this website, It is something that I am just doing for fun that I hope I can get other people to follow and be enthused about like I am. All in all, I hope that this turns out to be a fun and rewarding hobby and that I will be able to meet a few new friends from it as well.
BTW since the business cards are in, I plan to place a card under potential candidates Windshield Wipers while I'm out and about. Hopefully that too will strike up some additional traffic. The first round of voting has come to a close and it seems that there was a little bit more traffic than I was expecting. I can now see that there are a few weak spots in my site that need to be worked on such as the polling. For the first website I've ever ran, I don't think it is going too bad so far.
Congratulations to Woody on his victory as the April 2012 winner! He is the first official winner of the Monthly Mod-Addict competition. As far as improving on the website and adding to it. I am thinking that it might be nice to have a Mod-Addict Mods For Sale section that gives viewers an opportunity to advertise their used or new Mods that they no longer need. For now I will keep it all car related. From wheels and tires, seats and steering wheels, hoods and bumpers, to nitrous and exhausts. Anything car related can be put up for sale. The major advantage I see to this is that unlike facebook or craigslist, these listings won't be getting wiped away in just a couple days from tons and tons of traffic that pushes the oldest stuff down to the bottom. I'll give it a shot and see how it goes. I've decided to start my own website just to have a little bit of fun and to learn a little bit about what goes into maintaining something of this magnitude. To start, I just began looking into how to start a website less than 24 hours ago. I registered my domain with GoDaddy.com, stumbled up Weebly.com, and here we are. Currently, my intentions are to provide a website that automotive enthusiasts can come to in order to show off their cars and even get feedback on what they've done. I am also hoping to have a section that allows individuals to submit a photo of their car for a monthly contest in which the winner will get his picture Featured on the Home page of the site. There are still a lot of ideas up in the air right now, but I have no idea how to get them going. I will keep doing research and will keep working on the site so that hopefully one day, it will be something closer to what I am imagining right now! Thanks for reading!
Author29 Years Old Archives
September 2013